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Here you will find lots of images that I have created with
Adobe Photoshop
Photoshop is THE only tool I use to create morphs/animorphs/animangles.
The main tool/brush I use within Photoshop is the "healing brush".
The healing brush is similar to the clone tool often found on image / photo
editing software that copies a section of the image from one area to another.
The key difference between the clone tool and the healing brush
is that the healing brush intelligently looks at the image and blends it together.
The healing brush is
normally used for correcting blemishes in photos/images.
This useful tool however allows you to copy sections from different photos and
blend them together to form one seamless image.
See my tutorial for more information / examples ( info on right ).
Click on any of the images below for a larger versions :)
section which has all the older morphs.
Over 3.1 million visitors - thanks for stopping by :)
Looks serious Oct-05
| Raaarr Oct-05
Doguck Oct-05
| Elegant Oct-05
Policken Oct-05
| Catird Oct-05
Seagle Sep-05
| Fluff ball Sep-05
Gullish Sep-05
| Evil Kitty Sep-05
Cracking Sep-05
| Gullat Sep-05
Leogator Sep-05
| Parronkey Sep-05
Big neck Sep-05
| Cowgull Sep-05
Tongue tied Aug-05
| Puffog Aug-05
Owlface Aug-05
| Grumpy Aug-05
| Horsird Aug-05
| Take it for a walk please Aug-05
Dogowl Aug-05
| Giz a kiss Jul-05
Ponog Jul-05
| Cleaned your teeth lately Jul-05
Catwoman Jul-05
| Boxer Dog Jul-05
Thirsty work Jul-05
| Aporse Jul-05
Mooooooof Jun-05
| Perplexed Jun-05
Smile please Jun-05
| Armless Jun-05
Eyeyeyeyeyes Jun-05
| Geesowl Apr-05
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First tutorial is finished !
14 page tutorial on basic morphing using:
If you would like a copy then please:
(1) donate
(2) email me:
[email protected]
Over 3,100,000 visitors since July 2003.
Tutorials ::
Interested in knowing how I do this with Photoshop ?
I am in the process of writing up some tutorials and so need to know if
you want these when they are complete !
Email me: [email protected]
Art / Photos ::
Do you make your own pictures/images ?
Do you paint / draw / take photos ?
Why not sign up to our free forum and share you work with like minded
people :)
Look forward to seeing you on:
:: Favourite Links ::
Atomic Rox
Appleford Art
.Net mag
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buy a t-shirt / mug . It all helps to keep the site going.